Play Vandal Hearts (USA) online

Play Vandal Hearts (USA) Online


Vandal Hearts is a turn-based strategy RPG. It follows a fixed plot-line with set battles, focusing more on strategic elements than adventure elements.

The combat takes place in a series of 3D grid based maps and each character in the party has a certain amount of movements they can perform each turn. As the game progresses, other characters join and leave the party and as they increase in level they can progress along different paths of development. Between each battle there is a cut scene that develops the plot using the same 3D engine as the combat (and often the same areas).

In between battles you have the opportunity to talk to people in cities as well as purchase different equipment for the up coming battles.

About Vandal Hearts (USA)

Vandal Hearts (USA) was first released in 1995 by Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo Co., Ltd. for the PSX system. Developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo Co., Ltd., this game quickly became a fan favorite for its Role-playing (RPG) and Strategy / tactics and Unknown elements.

Game Features

  • Authentic PSX experience directly in your browser
  • Save and load your game progress at any time
  • Full screen gameplay option for immersive experience
  • Customizable keyboard controls
  • Role-playing (RPG) and Strategy / tactics and Unknown gameplay that defined a generation

How to Play Vandal Hearts (USA) in Your Browser

1. Click Play

Simply click the "Play Now" button at the top of this page to start the game immediately.

2. Use Controls

Use your keyboard to control the game. Check the keyboard configuration section below for details.

3. Save Progress

Use the save feature to preserve your progress at any point in the game.

Pro Tip

For the best experience playing Vandal Hearts (USA), use a desktop or laptop computer with a keyboard. Full-screen mode provides the most immersive gameplay.

Emulator Keyboard Configuration

EmulatorJS Keyboard Settings

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    Last updated: 2025-03-11T16:24:13.695Z

    This page is part of our effort to preserve classic video game history. Vandal Hearts (USA) © 1995 Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo Co., Ltd.. This online emulation is provided for historical preservation and educational purposes only.