Play Infestation online

Play Infestation Online


The Alpha 2 research colony on Xelos has been invaded by aliens, wiping out the crew and laying 167 of their eggs, all waiting to hatch into a lethal alien infestation. Superhero Kal Solar is the only one who can prevent a catastrophe, and that's where you come in.

The game is viewed in 3D from Solar's perspective, with a full HUD built into his helmet showing direction, health and supplies. Other HUDs also allow you to check whether the current air is breathable (you have limited oxygen), as well as one built into your Jetpack.

There are two movement modes, one of which allows you to pan the view and the other allows you to shoot. Objects have to be picked up and used, computers operated, and an infra-red kit located and used. To win the game you will have to destroy all the eggs, and then shut the compound down and escape in time.

How to Play Infestation in Your Browser

1. Click Play

Simply click the "Play Now" button at the top of this page to start the game immediately.

2. Use Controls

Use your keyboard to control the game. Check the keyboard configuration section below for details.

3. Save Progress

Use the save feature to preserve your progress at any point in the game.

Pro Tip

For the best experience playing Infestation, use a desktop or laptop computer with a keyboard. Full-screen mode provides the most immersive gameplay.

Emulator Keyboard Configuration

EmulatorJS Keyboard Settings

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    Last updated: 2025-03-11T16:24:13.695Z

    This page is part of our effort to preserve classic video game history. Infestation © 1989 Psygnosis Limited. This online emulation is provided for historical preservation and educational purposes only.

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