Play Driver 2 Advance (E)(Eurasia) online

Play Driver 2 Advance (E)(Eurasia) Online

Game Boy Advance(GBA)

Driver 2 received a belated adaptation for the Game Boy Advance in Driver 2 Advance. The handheld version adapts the storyline of the original but cuts it down heavily, while presenting the gameplay in a graphics engine tailored to the portable platform.

As in the original, the player controls undercover cop Tanner, who investigates the murder of a Brazilian criminal, leading him facing both a Brazilian gang as well as the Chicago mob. The story is mainly told through cutscenes that employ stills from the rendered scenes of the original, with dialogue adapted in accordance with the cut-down story. While the original moved through four cities, only two remain in the GBA version: Chicago and Rio de Janeiro.

Gameplay still takes the form of individual missions that have to be taken on in order. Goals vary between quickly moving to a certain location on the map, following another car, ramming a car to stop it, tailing a car without being seen (neither moving too far away nor too close) and pick-up and delivery jobs. The cities are rendered in texture-mapped 3D, with cars and pedestrians displayed as sprites. Some of the game's missions are direct adaptations from the original, while others are completely new. The Chicago and Rio map layouts are much simplified compared to the original.

Besides the main Undercover mode, the two cities can be freely explored in Take A Ride mode. The game also includes the same five mini-games as in the PlayStation version, involving ramming a car, losing a police tail, following a path set out by traffic cones, a checkpoint race and a demolition survival. The game also includes four-player-multiplayer via link cable, with four exclusive modes: checkpoint and cross-town racing as well as free-for-all (solo) and cops-n-robbers (team-based) survival.

Available Versions

  • Driver 2 Advance (E)(Eurasia) (2002)(Game Boy Advance(GBA))

  • Driver 2 Advance (U)(RDG) (2002)(Game Boy Advance(GBA))

  • DeveloperSennari Interactive, LLC
  • PublisherSennari Interactive, LLC
  • Release Date2002-10-21
  • GenresActionDriving/Racing
  • PlatformsGame Boy Advance(GBA)
  • Players0

Driver 2 Advance (E)(Eurasia) Series

How to Play Driver 2 Advance (E)(Eurasia) in Your Browser

1. Click Play

Simply click the "Play Now" button at the top of this page to start the game immediately.

2. Use Controls

Use your keyboard to control the game. Check the keyboard configuration section below for details.

3. Save Progress

Use the save feature to preserve your progress at any point in the game.

Pro Tip

For the best experience playing Driver 2 Advance (E)(Eurasia), use a desktop or laptop computer with a keyboard. Full-screen mode provides the most immersive gameplay.

Emulator Keyboard Configuration

EmulatorJS Keyboard Settings

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    Last updated: 2025-03-14T08:25:32.760Z

    This page is part of our effort to preserve classic video game history. Driver 2 Advance (E)(Eurasia) © 2002 Sennari Interactive, LLC. This online emulation is provided for historical preservation and educational purposes only.