Play Backgammon online

Play Backgammon Online

Game Body Color(GBC)

This is the game backgammon and its variant, acey deucey. For backgammon, the standard rules are used. As they are long and complex, if you want to see those rules, look in this manual.

Acey Deucey was a variation created by sailors in the U. S. Navy. As such, the rules for acey deucey will vary from ship to ship and person to person. For Atari, this is the variation used here:

All pieces start out on the central Bar and can be entered at any time with the roll of the dice.

No piece NEEDS to be moved from the bar first, even if it was hit and sent to the bar.

A roll of 1-2 (acey deucey) allows a player to choose whichever doublet s/he wants, after making the 1-2 move.

After moving the doublets, the player is awarded another dice roll.

If, after moving your doublet, the other dice roll is 1-2, you can move the 1-2 and choose another doublet.

Difficulty switches


A=computer rolls dice for you

B=you can roll real dice and dial in the numbers


A=computer sets up the board for you

B=you can set the pieces where you want them.

Game variations

Games 1, 3, 5, and 7 are one player

Games 2, 4, 6, and 8 are two player

Games one through four are backgammon

Games five through eight are acey deucey

Games 1, 2, 5, and 6 have a doubling cube.

Available Versions

  • Backgammon (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) (1978)(Game Body Color(GBC))

  • Backgammon (Japan) (1978)(Game Body Color(GBC))

  • Backgammon (Germany) (1978)(Nintendo DS(NDS))

  • Backgammon (1978)(MSX)

How to Play Backgammon in Your Browser

1. Click Play

Simply click the "Play Now" button at the top of this page to start the game immediately.

2. Use Controls

Use your keyboard to control the game. Check the keyboard configuration section below for details.

3. Save Progress

Use the save feature to preserve your progress at any point in the game.

Pro Tip

For the best experience playing Backgammon, use a desktop or laptop computer with a keyboard. Full-screen mode provides the most immersive gameplay.

Emulator Keyboard Configuration

EmulatorJS Keyboard Settings

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    Last updated: 2025-03-27T22:03:22.419Z

    This page is part of our effort to preserve classic video game history. Backgammon © 1978 Atari, Inc.. This online emulation is provided for historical preservation and educational purposes only.